As a dog behavior specialist, Joann has the experience and knowledge to help!
More than just a blog on canine behavior
Joann has over 20 years of experience training dogs and working with owners on behavior issues. She has the learning and knowledge to have helped hundreds of dogs over her career as a trainer and behavior specialist. The blog is just one way to share her information. Private Consults for behavior are another.
One of the most rewarding parts of working with dogs is helping them stay in their homes with the families that love them.
Through private behavior modification programs in the owner’s home, many issues can be addressed and corrected.
We have a no-nonsense approach to helping you and your dog. You will always get the full story and it will always be realistic. You will also be able to see visible results from your efforts.
I’d be more than happy to help, Just contact me and let me know what issues you are dealing with and we can schedule a personal one to one visit
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Super-charge your kibble
Many clients want to train their dogs using treats but are worried about the quality of treat they give their dog. I’ll let you in on a little trick I use. Take some of your dog’s daily kibble ration and place it in a resealable bag. Add in something super stinky and scentfully alluring to

All in a days work
When you attend a training class, most, if not all, trainers will tell you that you must practice frequently with your dog. Some will even get specific and tell you that you need to practice at least 10 times a day for a period of 2 to 5 minutes each time. This is where the

Roasted turkey, fresh baked ham, mashed potatoes and gravy, fresh baked pies; these are the many delights that await the coming holiday season. This time of year brings lots of entertaining with lots of food. It is also the time of year where disaster can strike a festive holiday meal as the lovable family dog

The Problem of digging
Have you seen it? Have you noticed? All over Minnesota people are bustling with the long-awaited coming of spring. It took long enough to get here (as usual) but now that it has begun to look like the long winter is over, we are all preparing and becoming more active. Animals are no exception to

Remove “NO” from your vocabulary
Dogs are great. They are so exciting and fun when we bring them into our home. If they are a new puppy, there are so many firsts and you revel in seeing them grow and learn. If they are a shelter/rescue (or older) dog, you feel the overwhelming feeling that you just did something fantastic

It takes attitude
Did you ever see one of those people that can ask your dog to do anything, and they just blindly obey, leaving you stupefied? You asked, asked, and asked again with no response from your dog and here comes this stranger and viola, obedience. Did you ever go through training sessions and come away completely